De Vaart 23
7784 DK ,Gramsbergen (Ane, NL)
+31 524 - 561 122
Altena Classic Service

Riley2.5Litre 'Big Four' Special,1937

Engine: Four cilinder engine

Riley 2.5 Litre ‘Big Four’ special, year 1937. Chassis number 38 KX19XX. Colour two-tone blue with silver painted wire wheels. Dark blue leather seats trimmed with blue piping. This beautiful Riley special was built upon one of the best pre-war riley Chassis with the powerful ‘Big Four’ four-cylinder engine. The special body was created by a specialist car body builder in the Netherlands according to the wishes of the owner. The engine and gearbox were overhauled by a renowned Dutch specialist firm. Everything was restored, renewed, or newly created, and everything is still in superb top condition. A photo reportage of the build and the overhaul is present. This Riley drives, steers, brakes, and shifts perfectly. Since completion this Riley special has driven a maximum of 3000 kilometres. The automobile can be imported to and registered in any country.

This is a rugged and unique Riley ‘Big Four’ special in superb condition!

Our price Sold
Year 1937
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