De Vaart 23
7784 DK ,Gramsbergen (Ane, NL)
+31 524 - 561 122
Altena Classic Service

Consignment sales

In case you want to sell your classic car you can do this by yourself, but of course you can also let us do the sale for you. After all, it is our profession and we have excellent knowledge of the national and international market. Based on a pre-determined net amount we will try to sell your car. Before consulting our archive, in which potential Dutch and foreign buyers are being stored according to classic care type, we execute an extensive technical inspection.

Furthermore, a professional photo shoot of your car will be made, and published on various international and leading internet websites. It is even possible to display your classic car on one of the many national and international fairs we attend every year. This way, we have found a new owner for many cars, and with a clear contractual agreement you know in advance where you stand and what you can expect. We ensure a perfect sales settlement.


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