De Vaart 23
7784 DK ,Gramsbergen (Ane, NL)
+31 524 - 561 122
Altena Classic Service

AlvisSA 13-2 Firebird special, 1935

Engine: Four cilinder engine

Alvis SA 13-2 Firebird special, year 1935. Chassis (VIN) number 12461, engine number 12755. Colour matte grey combined with black wire wheels and red leather bucket seats. This Alvis special was built on an Alvis SA 13-2 chassis and given a special racing body in the last decade. The car was road registered in the Netherlands in 2019. The car breathes “vintage” all over and it looks like an eighty-year-old survivor! The “pre-war” driving experience is very special and rewarding! The automobile features the original 1850 cc four cylinder in-line engine combined with the original Alvis fully synchronised 4-speed gearbox. The beautiful ‘mottled’ aluminium dashboard features an array of original instruments. This Alvis features a ‘fish-tail’ exhaust end piece, leather belts over the bonnet and the wire wheels are shod with Firestone 4.75/5.00 20-inch tyres. This Alvis special will bring a lot of vintage driving fun to an enthusiast owner!

Our price Sold
Year 1935
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